Thursday, September 13, 2012

Curly Girl Method (Month 3)

I am still doing and loving the curly girl method.  I have modified the method to include comb detangling once every three weeks or so.  The first time I detangled with a wide tooth comb (while doing the curly girl method) I was pleasently suprised that my hair was very, very easy to detangle. 

In the beginning I used Tresemme Naturals silicone free conditioner but my head was itching like crazy.  That conditioner smelled so gooood but the itching and flakes were more than I could handle. 

Beautiful Twist Out

I was browsing in Target the other day when I came across Loreal's EverCreme sulfate-free nourishing conditioner.  It was only $5.99 so I just had to give it try (my old product junkie tendencies reared up, lol).  The itching wasn't as bad but the shine was amazing! 

I wore the twist out above and the definition lasted all day long.  I guess it was pretty moisturized, lol. 

The longer my hair gets the more I am able to do with it.  It can only get better with time.  You know if God gave us the longer natural hair immediately after we big chopped we wouldn't know what to do with it and would probably have no other choice but to go back to the creamy crack. 

O and about the itching, I have purchased some tea tree oil and it seems to work a little.  I filled a spray bottle with water, conditioner, tea tree oil, extra virgin olive oil and vitamin E.  I spritz my hair (not my scalp) with this occassionally.  Every three days or so I do add drops of tea tree oil directly to my scalp.

So long for now.  My next topic will be on protective styling.

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