Friday, December 23, 2011

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Jesus is the reason for the season.  This means that Christmas is for Christ (Jesus).  My family has always celebrated Christmas as Jesus' birthday but when you are a child all you think about is receiving gifts.   Christmas was "the day" that we received things that we had been wishing for all year long.  As an adult I now know the real reason for this day of celebration. Even though Jesus was probably not born on December 25 we do take that day as a day of rememberance of His birthday.

Remember above all else that Jesus wants His birthday present.  Turn your life over to Him and receive the free Salvation that He has to offer.  Your soul is all He wants as a birthday present.  Turn it over to Hm so that H may present it to His Father (God).  Once Jesus hands you over to God no one and I mean no one can pluck you from Him.  Once God has you you are his forever.  Amen

Friday, December 2, 2011

Trip to Delaware

Sooooo my son plays football for Delaware State University.  He's been there for 4 years and I have never visited the school.  So this year he said he was going to be all alone on Senior Day and he wouldn't have any family members there to walk with him.  Guess what?  We went to Delware a couple of weeks ago.  We included Ms. RosieVelt (my sister), MommaVelt (lol), my daughter and myself.

We flew to Baltimore, Maryland and drove over To Dover, Delaware.  My daughter had to go through the metal detector three times and the finally had to use the wand on her.  She has on all this jewelry and a big belt, lol.  This was Ms. Rosie's and my daughter's first time flying soooo as the plane was ascending we were the only four people hollering, lol. 

We had an awesome time in Delaware and my son has a picture showing his mother and grandmother walking him out on the field on Senior Day!!!
That's my son hugging the football coach while the
school's president is watching. My mom and I am standing
 behind my son and the coach (see the red cap, lol)

By the way we also drove over to Washington, DC.  We saw the White House!!!  We couldn't find a park so my sister, MsRosieVelt got out and took some pictures.  It was such a great experience.  We plan on going back again real soon.  He will be graduating in the Spring of 2012 and we all have to be there to experience it.

Talk to you later....

Checking In....

I haven't been on my blog lately, shame on me!  Well I'm back!!! 

Wow, a lot has been going on lately.  I reached my one year anniversary at the end of November.  I was very excited that I was approaching my anniversary and guess what?  I forgot about it and it didn't cross my mind again until today, Decemeber 2.  I missed it :(.  Anywho my hair is beautiful and florishing.

Wow, one year of growth!!!

I blow dryed my hair about 80% dry and this was the result.  I was very shocked at how much my hair has grown!  I hadn't straightened it since I flat ironed it a few months ago.  I started to flat iron it but I had flash backs from the last time and I said "naw, I'm not gonna do it". 

Now I'm rocking twist outs.  I finally have enough hair to have a successful twist out.  Look at the results below from a fresh twist out.  My daughter claims I only take pictures of myself at work, lol.

I'm loving this natural thang....